Little Ass Burrito Bar Potting Shed
For this event we were back again with the Mexican food revolutionaries behind Blanco Niño! This time with some service design for Dawson Street’s favourite eatery, Little Ass Burrito Bar!
This ideation and brainstorming session focused on the redesign of their menu and ordering format (flow, modules & store integration) for the purpose of simplifying the ordering process in order to drive up selling and to allow for further product additions. But while maintaining the artistic & quirky nature of the Little Ass Burrito menu. The new design needed to be adaptable as it needed to be applied to over counter menu boards, takeaway menus, customer point of sale boards and online.
This was a great excuse to break out the markers and coloured paper, and get creative! We developed a process that makes use of the company’s eye catching ingredient stickers as both menus and packaging sealing. This meant that food selection could be made at the entrance of the premiss in a relaxed manner, rather than holding up the queue while reading the big complex chalkboard menu above the counter. We can assure you we are very much looking forward to trying them out soon!