HiFi Hut Potting Shed
Our very first Potting Shed Dublin was with one of Ireland’s leading speciality hi-fi/home cinema retailers, HifiHut.
Daniel, the owner of HifiHut, had several service design areas for us to ponder on ranging from:
- Getting from their outskirts of Dublin location to the high street shoppers or bringing the high street to them
- How to best utilise their retail/showroom/mini cinema space and create more of a WOW factor for customers.
- How to connect with the 60+ market instead of just the 35-45 market.
A huge number of ideas were generated from vinyl listening nights, pop up home cinema sheds, air guitar competitions, Pepsi taste test but with audio, to more immediate ideas like in shop signage. In return, we as a group got a plenty of insight into the business, equipment, and marketing strategies of a high end Irish SME in return. Some really interesting discussions were had and this laid the foundations for future Potting Sheds to come.